Looking for the best Wilhelm the Enforcer builds in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?
Whether you need a leveling guide or chasing ultimate end-game power, these builds will help you optimize Wilhelm’s drones, Wolf and Saint, for maximum destruction. 


Wilhelm the Enforcer

Leveling Up

Level 1 to 32

Balanced • Drone-based


Wilhelm is a fast, high-damage, and diverse character who is pretty straightforward in execution. His two drones make him a very tempting choice for new players, and his earlier journey is on the easier side. The focus early on should be to increase the utility of his action skill, which summons his two drones, called Saint and Wolf. Wolf deals damage, while Saint heals Wilhelm. Both of these combined with Wilhelm’s excellent gun damage make the earlier levels a breeze to get through.


Wilhelm is a great solo character, and that largely comes down to how little creativity is required when playing with him. He’s fairly “standard”, but that doesn’t make him any less fun to play with. Actually, given how strong some of the other characters are, Wilhelm at least has to face some challenges, which makes him a fairly balanced character overall. He does great damage, heals fast, and can move around pretty quickly.


Wilhelm is always great to have on the team because of his drones, which become an asset early. Up to level 32, he’ll mostly provide high gun damage, and keep things moving. Thankfully, he can unlock the ability to provide shield restoration to his allies early on with Saint, which can be super useful to keep the team alive.


Level 0 – 3: Unlock Wolf and Saint

Level 3 – 8: 5 Points in Auxillary Tanks
Increases action skill duration by 10 seconds, and increases cooldown rate by 15%.

Level 8 – 13: 5 Points in Energize
Increases Saint’s healing regeneration by 3%, and Saint periodically restores 40% of your or your allies’ shield

Level 13 – 18: 5 Points in Afterburner
Increases Reload Speed by 25%, Projectile Speed by 25%, and Wolf Air Speed by 30%.

Level 18 – 23: 5 Points in Suppression
Killing an enemy increases your fire rate by 30%, and Wolf’s fire rate by 70% for 7 seconds.

Level 23 – 24: 1 Point in Venom Bolts
Increase corrode damage and chance.

Level 24 – 25: 1 Point in Laser Guided
Press while aiming at an enemy to focus Wolf’s Attacks on the marked target. The target takes increased damage from all sources. Killing the marked target extends Wolf and Saint’s Duration.

Level 24 – 30: 5 Points in Rolling Thunder
While Wolf is alive, you periodically stack up his Damage. This can be stacked unlimited times with a 5-second interval.

Level 30 – 31: 1 Point in Scramble
When Wolf dies, he is replaced once and Wolf and Saint’s Duration is extended by 30%.

Level 31 – 32: 1 Point in Fire Support
Increases your Gun Damage by 3%, and Wolf’s Damage by 5%.

Skill Calculator: Leveling Up build

Wilhelm the Enforcer

Omega Wolf

Level 50

Survivability • Wolf


Wilhelm is a straightforward character that doesn’t have any complicated abilities or situational synergies. Wilhelm is a well-rounded character who’s easy to play at no matter what level. At level 50, this build aims to capitalize on his survivability, as well as damage output from the Wolf, his attack drone.

For your game plan, all you really need to do is keep an eye on your action skill meter. Liberally call in your drones, and keep firing away. That’s really all there is to it. All the weapons selected in this build make it easier to take out different enemies, and you’ll still have a decent amount of challenge, even if you can melt health bars fairly easily.

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Wilhelm is a great character to play the entire game with. He’s never alone thanks to his drones, and he’s constantly provided with enough opportunities to deal tons of gun and drone damage. He also has multiple skills that ensure he doesn’t go down so easily, and he’s also fast on his feet thanks to the Rapid Reinforcement kill skill.


Similarly, Wilhelm is a fantastic character to have on the team thanks to his excellent damage output, drones that help out the entire team, and healing and support capabilities as well. With Overcharge, he can boost the entire team’s fire rate, movement speed, reload speed as well as ammo regen. Overall, he’s a great asset who can mostly hold his ground, and help the team in multiple ways.


Wolf, Wilhelm’s damage-dealing drone is boosted by skills like Afterburner, Fire Support, Laser Guided, Rolling Thunder, and Omega Strike. These boost its damage, speed, and fire rate, and even give it the ability to shoot missiles.

Thanks to Scramble when Wolf dies, he is replaced once and Wolf and Saint’s Duration is extended by 30%.

Overcharge increases your and your allies’ fire rate, movement speed, reload speed as well as ammo regen reserves whenever Saint is spawned.

Skill Calculator: Omega Wolf build

Wilhelm the Enforcer

Auto Hunter

Level 50

Laser Damage • Wolf


Wilhelm is a fairly straightforward, but powerful character who can deal a massive amount of gun damage. He also has help from his two drones that not only attack enemies on the battlefield but also provide Wilhelm with support to improve his survivability. This build focuses on boosting the damage output of Wolf, his damage drone, and improving Wilhelm’s laser damage which can melt bosses, and enemies in a matter of seconds.

The game plan isn’t complicated at all. You want to call in your drones as soon as the combat encounter starts, and in the case of a boss, direct them to the boss to ensure Wolf starts throwing missiles. You, on the other hand, can just keep your distance, take out your laser weapon, and start shooting away.

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This is an ideal build for solo play because it boosts Wilhelm’s gun damage, laser damage, and the damage output of his buddy drone, Wolf. All three combined make him a powerful solo character who can take on most enemies at level 50, and the bosses as well. Thanks to his Saint, his other defensive drone, Wilhelm is provided with a steady stream of health regeneration as well.


Similarly, Wilhelm is a pretty great character to have on the team because of his excellent damage potential, and affinity with laser weapons. He can damage multiple enemies at the same time, call in his drones to his support so he’s never really alone, and while he can take a hit, there are times he needs healing, so he’s very suited to a team formation. He doesn’t directly heal or provide shields, but his damage output makes him a strong consideration.


Wolf, Wilhelm’s damage-dealing drone is boosted by skills like Afterburner, Fire Support, Laser Guided, Rolling Thunder, and Omega Strike. These boost its damage, speed, and fire rate, and even give it the ability to shoot missiles.

Thanks to Killswitch, Wolf dive-bombs at enemies and explodes on impact whenever he is recalled, dies, or expires.

Shock Absorbers allow Wilhelm to shoot and sprint at the same time, while Divert Power, restores 20% of his shield when his health drops below 30% while boosting his damage resistance by 50%.

Skill Calculator: Auto hunter build

Wilhelm the Enforcer

Cyber Master

Level 70

Versatile • Devastating


Wilhelm is a cyber commando, who has two excellent drones that boost his damage output, as well as defensive potential. This build maximizes all three of his skill trees by making sure we have all three capstone skills. This allows Wilhelm to become the ultimate enforcer, and deal devastating damage no matter who or what is in front of him.

The game plan isn’t complicated here. First off, you want to start using one of your laser weapons to deal damage and call in your drones. Now, you can let the enemy hit you, don’t worry, because this will allow us to use the Vengeance Cannon, which lets us fire laser projectiles that deal devastating damage with each regular gun usage. This can melt bosses, and when you’re dealing with regular mobs, you can just liberally summon the drones, and keep on shooting.

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At level 70, with this balanced build, Wilhelm is an absolute beast who can easily deal damage in the millions. You can sprint and shoot, run around your enemies, use your power fist to go through multiple enemies, and deal explosive damage. Keep calling in your drones, Wolf and Saint, who will fly around the battlefield, and behave as your best friends as they shoot for you, while also providing you with health regeneration.


This is one of the best builds for co-op play because it adds yet another heavy damage dealer to the team. If you have Nisha and Athena on the same team, you might as well be playing one easy mode because that’s a devastating combination built to break the game. Wilhelm can also heal the team when Saint is recalled or expires as it leaves a healing zone.


Shock Absorbers allow Wilhelm to shoot and sprint at the same time while the Vengeance Cannon allows you to fire laser projectiles when your shield breaks.

Omega Strike gives Wolf the ability to shoot missiles periodically which do tons of damage across the battlefield.

Overcharge increases your and your allies’ fire rate, movement speed, reload speed as well as ammo regen reserves whenever Saint is spawned. Power Fist allows Wilhelm to perform an explosive melee attack with extended range.

Skill Calculator: Cyber Master build

Wilhelm the Enforcer


Level 70

Survivability • Cyro


Wilhelm is a fairly versatile character who can deal tons of damage but maintain survivability as well. This build is focused on all his trees and provides a hybrid gameplay style that utilizes all his core abilities and potential with a greater focus on cyro weapons.

Your game plan is pretty simple. You want to head in, deploy your drones as soon as the combat encounter begins, and start freezing up enemies with the Absolute Zero weapon when in range. To take out enemies at a distance, you can switch to the Thinking shotgun or your pistol. Finally, the Laser Disker does an excellent job against enemies that might be immune to frost damage.

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This is a great build for solo play because Wilhelm isn’t alone. He has two drones to back him up, provide shields, and damage enemies around the battlefield. His freezing potential allows him to slow down enemies, and deal damage from afar thanks to the weapon variety of this particular build. He also has multiple kill skills, accuracy, speed, critical damage, and even your drone’s output.


Wilhelm is a great character on the team thanks to his diverse playstyle. He doesn’t always need direct support, but when his shields are down, any amount of healing and cover can help. Apart from that, his damage potential is crazy, and thanks to the focus on frost in this build, he’ll be slowing down enemies that the team can take on as well. He’s one of the fastest characters in the game, and that’s made to good use in a team formation.


Wolf, Wilhelm’s damage-dealing drone is boosted by skills like Afterburner, Fire Support, Suppression, Laser Guided, Rolling Thunder, and Omega Strike. These boost its damage, speed, and fire rate, and even give it the ability to shoot missiles.

Power Fist allows Wilhelm to perform an explosive melee attack with extended range.

With Divert Power, Wilhelm restores 20% of his shield when his health drops below 30% while boosting his damage resistance by 50%.

Skill Calculator: Freezer build