Looking for the best Jack the Doppelganger builds in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?
Whether you need a leveling guide or chasing ultimate end-game power, these builds will help you control the battlefield with Jack’s Digi-Jacks and leadership skills.

Leveling Up
Level 1 to 32
Jack is a fun and straightforward character in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. If you’ve bought the DLC, he’s a great choice because he’s easy to play. Unlike Claptrap or Athena, he doesn’t have complex gimmicks or a melee focus. With this leveling up build we’ll boost your gun damage early on so he can handle any enemies with any weapon.
Jack is a great choice for solo play thanks to his digi-clones who are essentially two more people in your squad. He has plenty of defensive options to unlock as you progress, but early on, there aren’t many enemies that will give you a lot of trouble. It’s recommended that you use his action skill liberally because the digi-clones give you a lot of room to take down enemies.
Similarly, Jack is a great character to bring along, and again, it’s the digi-clones potential to serve as loyal distractions that make him a winning choice. He’s also pretty easy to play, with enough defensive and offensive options that other teammates don’t have to constantly provide him with heals, or shield recharges either.
Level 0 – 3: Unlock Expendable Assets
Level 3 – 8: 5 Points in Collaborate
When a Clone dies, you and your clones gain a stack of Collaborate.
Level 8 – 13: 5 Points into Synergy
Killing an enemy increases your Gun Damage and Crit Damage for 7 Seconds.
Level 13 – 14: 1 Point in Diversify
Your Clones’ wrist laser is now a Shotgun Laser.
Level 14 – 19: 5 Points in Winning
Killing an enemy restores a portion of your shield and increases your Movement Speed for 7 seconds.
Level 19 – 24: 5 Points in Believe
Killing an enemy increases your Fire Rate, Reload Speed, Accuracy, and Gun Damage for a short time.
Level 24 – 25: 1 Point in Leadership
Clone deaths count as your kills. This triggers your Kill Skills and can grant you a Second Wind once per Expendable Assets activation
Level 25 – 30: 5 Points in Optimism
When a clone dies, he creates an explosion, dealing Explosive Damage to nearby enemies.
Level 30 – 31: 1 Point in Potential
You can now use Expendable Assets in Fight For Your Life.
Level 31 – 32: 1 Point in High-Frequency Trading
Increases your Weapon Swap Speed.

Level 50
Digi-Jacks • Kill Skills
Jack is one of the most fun characters in the Borderland series and allows you to live out your fantasy as playing one of the most charismatic villains in gaming. He also has a really fun playstyle because of his action ability, and that’s the focus of the build as well. We’ll be exploring how far you can take the digi-clones at this point of the game, and spoiler alert, they’re mega helpful.
Playing this build is pretty simple. Jack works best at medium to long distances and relies a lot on activating kill skills. However, at this stage, you’ll want to actively make use of digi-clones to deal maximum damage and improve your defense as well. You start a combat encounter by throwing out your clones and dealing damage from a small distance, switch between your gear regularly to get weapon-swapping bonuses.
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With this build, Jack is extremely powerful at level 50, and there aren’t many bosses that stand a chance against him. He’s also fast on his feet, and his natural affinity with weapons make him a great character to constantly switch between guns, and finish enemies without any added gimmicks or extra requirements. He’s straightforward for the most part, but really strong as well.
Similarly, Jack is a great character to bring with in co-op because of his digi-clones. They serve as great distractions for the entire team to use, and if you play your cards right, they can help take out practically any boss in the game without breaking a sweat, especially at level 50. Additionally, Jack isn’t a weak character in the slightest, and he doesn’t need any direct support from the team. You don’t need to worry about healing him or boosting his shields so anything extra is just a bonus.
Slot 1: Miss Moxxi’s Vibra-Pulse
Slot 2: Rustler’s Quad
Slot 3: Stopping Torrent
Slot 4: Bolshy Longnail
Grenade: Longbow Storm Front
Shield: Reogenator
MOD: CEO of all CEOs Class Mod
OZ Kit: 3DD1.E
Synergy is a kill skill that increases your gun damage by 30% and critical damage by 30% as well. It is also activated as soon as one of your digi-clones dies as well, thanks to Leadership. Merger replaces your regular melee with laser beams which have a 20-second cooldown.
Marginal Benefits has a 9% chance of reloading all your weapons when you throw a grenade, while Incentives give you a 10% increased fire rate stack every time you swap weapons.

Level 50
Grenades • Refill IVF
Jack’s affinity with weapons makes him a viable choice for anyone who likes to deal damage with their guns and wants to live the assault fantasy.
This build is pretty straightforward as well. You want to throw grenades that are massively boosted by Just Compensation, and you can pretty much one-shot a lot of level 50 bosses. Apart from that, weapon-swapping guns will give you the bonuses of previous weapon manufacturers, making it very useful to constantly switch back and forth between your weapons. This is why we have two Refill IVFs as well, so you can get that insane fire rate. So, pretty simple, just lob grenades, shoot enemies, and call in digi-clones when you can.
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This is a strong build at level 50, and has the potential to one-shot a lot of bosses around this level. There really isn’t much to explain here outside the usual game plan, but you are basically a walking tank.
Similarly, this is a great build to support a team and if you bring in Athena and Nisha along you might as well play the game blindfolded to experience even a shred of challenge. There’s not much to say here, but Jack’s digi-clones can be pretty handy as distractions, but you’ll barely think about them.
Slot 1: Miss Moxxi’s Probe
Slot 2: Refill IVF
Slot 3: Deep Pokket Badaboom
Slot 4: Refill IVF
Grenade: Longbow Bonus Package
Shield: The Sham
MOD: The Best Man Class Mod
OZ Kit: Arctic Bomber Oz Kit
Just Compensation increases your Magazine Size and Grenade Damage. The lower your grenade supply the greater these bonuses while On My Mark causes your Clones to throw your equipped grenade in their current direction upon pressing the action skill button once per Expendable Assets.
Marginal Benefits has a 9% chance of reloading all your weapons when you throw a grenade while Sponsored By… makes it so that swapping guns grants the new gun a bonus based on the previous gun manufacturer.

Level 70
Digi-Jacks • Survivability
Jack is one of the DLC characters for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and he’s easily one of the most fun characters to play with. His abilities serve as a blueprint for characters like Zane in Borderlands 3, and if you’re someone who likes to summon clones, and activate tons of kill skills, this is the build for you. Jack is still primarily an assault character, but this build turns him into an ultimate badass who matches what Handsome Jack would actually feel like as a playable character.
Your game plan with the build isn’t that complicated. You want to activate your action skill as soon as a combat encounter starts, and you want to make sure that you’re actually finishing off enemies to activate kill skills. Don’t just wait for your clones to do all the work, but actively take part in the killing so you have increased damage, fire rate, health, shield, max speed, and more.
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Jack is a great solo character because he isn’t technically alone thanks to his action skill that summons two digi-clones that serve as excellent distractions, and even damage-dealers thanks to this build. At level 70, Jack becomes fairly unstoppable, and you can take down bosses with this build without breaking a sweat. All the weapons chosen here are useful, and Jack is one of the best DLC characters ever.
Similarly, Jack is a great ally to have because of his action skill, and kill skills. If you want to make the most out of this build as teammates, you need to leave the killing part to Jack. Damage enemies, but maybe don’t finish them off completely and let Jack activate his kill skills. He doesn’t really need any support beyond the occasional heals here and there, making him a capable character who can stand on his own in basically any team formation.
Slot 1: Stopping Fridgia
Slot 2: Rustler’s Quad
Slot 3: Shokker Roadrunner
Slot 4: Dastardly Pepperbox
Grenade: Longbow Storm Front
Shield: Reogenator
MOD: CEO of all CEOs Class Mod
OZ Kit: 3DD1.E
Synergy, Winning, Believe, and Absolute Advantage are kill skills that boost gun damage, max-shield restored, movement speed, fire rate, reload speed, accuracy, and free ammo chance. All of these are activated as soon as one of your digi-clones dies as well, thanks to Leadership.
Merger replaces your regular melee with laser beams which have a 20-second cooldown. Taxation of Trade Routes increases your fire rate by 60%, while Incentives give you a 10% increased fire rate stack every time you swap weapons.

Hyperion Hero
Level 70
Hyperion • Kill Skills
Jack can summon digi-clones through his action skills, but his real strength comes from a wide array of kill skills that tremendously boost his damage and gun stats.
This build makes good use of all his skill trees, but our focus is to activate those kill skills, which is made even easier thanks to the Leadership ability skill that activates kill skills when your digi-clones die. So, just activate the clones when you start combat, and make sure you’re the one who is finishing off enemies to activate the kill skills. Rinse and repeat, and you’ll go through bosses like they’re nothing.
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This is a fantastic build for solo play, and at level 70, you won’t have trouble going up against practically any major boss fight or enemy. Jack plays great at any distance, and you’ll always have room to take a breather because your clones serve as great distractions. Apart from that, Jack also has multiple defensive skills that provide him with tons of shield and health boosts.
Similarly, Jack is a great ally to have when you’re playing co-op. He doesn’t need direct support from his teammates because he’s excellent on his own thanks to his ridiculous kill skills, and his added digi-clones that serve as great distractions for the entire team. If you want to raise his overall effectiveness though, it’s important to let him finish off enemies rather than killing them yourself.
Slot 1: Miss Moxxi’s Vibra-Pulse
Slot 2: Corporate Fatale
Slot 3: Kaneda’s Laser
Slot 4: Practicable Viral Marketer
Grenade: Longbow Storm Front
Shield: Prismatic Bulwark
MOD: Chronicler of Elpis Class Mod
OZ Kit: Voltaic Support Relay
Thanks to Company Man each equipped Hyperion Item increases your Accuracy and Crit Damage, which is helpful since we have multiple pieces of Hyperion gear equipped in this build.
Synergy, Winning, Believe, and Absolute Advantage are kill skills that boost gun damage, max-shield restored, movement speed, fire rate, reload speed, accuracy, and free ammo chance. All of these are activated as soon as one of your digi-clones dies as well, thanks to Leadership.