Aurelia the Baroness

Leveling Up

Level 1 to 32

Ice Shards • Survivability


Aurelia is one of the more unique characters in the series and is basically the Ice Queen. Her action skill allows her to summon ice shards that serve as homing projectiles that seek out enemies to freeze them. This makes her an excellent character early on, and as soon as you find a weapon that does freeze damage, you’re basically good to go. This character is a bit more laid-back, which can make some players feel a bit overconfident. That’s why you’ll want to focus on improving Aurelia’s survivability as well by pushing enemies away.


Aurelia is a great character for a solo playthrough, and there isn’t another character like her in the entire series. If you’ve been waiting to play a badass gun-wielding Elsa from Frozen, this is basically it. When you reach level 32, Aurelia turns into a high-damage dealing character who can run circles around enemies and bosses thanks to her freezing potential.


Similarly, a team can easily benefit from Aurelia for two major reasons. First, she’s an excellent sniper if you take her down that route, and second, she can freeze enemies. This means that she can play from a safe distance while the rest of the team finishes up frozen enemies while she picks off targets using her sniper abilities as well.


Level 0 – 3:  Unlock Cold As Ice

Level 3 – 8: 5 Points in Avalanche
The 1st time you deal Cryo Damage to an enemy, you gain an Avalanche stack. Each stack increases your Freeze Chance and the Cryo Damage you deal.

Level 8 – 13: 5 Points into Bitter Riposte
When your fully charged Shield takes enemy damage, you fire an Ice Dart at that enemy, dealing Cryo Damage.

Level 13 – 14: 5 Points in Winter’s Fury
Activating Cold as Ice or switching the Frost Shard’s target knocks back enemies around you for 10 seconds.

Level 14 – 19: 5 Points in Markswoman
Increases your Crit Damage by 30% and Aim Speed by 100%.

Level 19 – 24: 5 Points in Culling the Herd
Scoring a Critical Hit increases your Gun Damage for 10 seconds.

Level 24 – 25: 1 Point in Long-Range Killer
Your shots deal Bonus Damage based on your distance from the target. The greater the distance the greater this bonus with a maximum damage of 60%.

Level 25 – 30: 5 Points in I Never Miss
Hitting a Sniper Shot grants you an I Never Miss stack – critical hits grant two stacks. Each I Never Miss stack increases your Sniper’s Crit Damage by 3.5%.

Level 30 – 32: 2 Points in Warning Shot
Missing a sniper shot grants you increased Fire Rate, Critical Damage, Accuracy, and Weapon Swap Speed for 12 seconds.

Skill Calculator: Leveling Up build

Aurelia the Baroness

Glacial Glare

Level 70

Sniper • Survivability


Aurelia is one of the most original characters in Borderlands The Pre-sequel, and a lot of it has to do with her ability to freeze enemies in her path making it easy to get in and get some nasty kills. However, if you aren’t a fan of close-quarters confrontations, then this frost sniper build is for you. Most of the build is designed around keeping enemies frozen, and improving Aurelia’s survivability in the off-chance she does get into a really dangerous encounter.

Your game plan isn’t that complicated here. Start off an enemy combat encounter by activating your action skill. Most of your snipers do freezing damage as well, and thanks to Custom Loads, you can even choose the elemental property of the sniper shot. Keep picking off enemies from the distance, and enjoy a laid-back experience where you control the battlefield from afar. It’s recommended to miss a shot too to activate tons of bonuses for the next shots.

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This is a great build for solo play because it keeps Aurelia mostly away from harm’s way. She can pick off enemies, and even bosses from a considerable distance, and since she has three snipers, she’ll never not be shooting. Most of the skills directly improve her gun damage, critical damage, and sniper-specific damage as well.


In co-op, this is a great build and character to have around. She not only slows down enemies thanks to her action skill and weapon abilities, but she can also maintain a healthy amount of distance from the enemies and bosses to always provide cover and damage for the rest of the team.


Markswoman, Warning Shot, I Never Miss, and Cold Advance boost Aurelia’s critical damage while Culling the Hard, Large Caliber, Prudent Prudence, Quality Not Quantity, and Next to Cleanliness boost her gun damage.

Killing an enemy grants you Cryo Lifesteal for 7 seconds thanks to Frigid Touch. Killing an enemy adds Bonus Cryo Damage of 25% for 7 seconds thanks to Wintertide. Quality Not Quantity increases the fire rate and gun damage of blue or greater rarity guns.

Skill Calculator: Glacial Glare build

Aurelia the Baroness

Ice Queen

Level 70

Cyro • Critical-damage


Aurelia is the second DLC character of Borderlands The Pre-sequel, and she’s the only character in the entire series who has a frost and ice theme going for her. Her action skill might be one of the most fun in the entire game, and this build utilizes her frosting potential, both with her action skill, and gunplay to provide a balanced freezing experience.

With this build, your approach is pretty simple. When you start a combat encounter, activate your action skill which will send out a Diadem Shard that seeks enemies to freeze them. That’s not all though, because three of the guns chosen for this build also do cryo damage, freezing everything in your path. This is a laid-back experience, and Aurelia can basically play the game at a slower speed than every other character thanks to her freezing abilities.

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Aurelia is a great character to enjoy a solo playthrough, and this build is perfect for it. She can skate around the battlefield, freeze everything in sight, and approach enemies at her own pace. Since three of the guns do frost damage, chances are you’ll run into an enemy or boss that’s resistant to it, but fret not because that’s where the Rustler’s Flayer comes in, and does tons of damage to all enemy types.


Aurelia is an awesome character to have on the team because of her freezing potential. She basically helps the entire team because she can just freeze enemies, slow them down, and open them up for all sorts of damage from all characters. She’s just doing her own thing, and you can provide her occasional support here and there, but she doesn’t really need it. Her critical damage is tremendously boosted, making her a very hard-hitting character.


Markswoman, I Never Miss, and Cold Advance boost Aurelia’s critical damage while Culling the Hard, Prudent Prudence, Quality Not Quantity, and Next to Cleanliness boost her gun damage.

Killing an enemy grants you Cryo Lifesteal for 7 seconds. Killing an enemy adds Bonus Cryo Damage of 25% for 7 seconds thanks to Wintertide. Quality Not Quantity increases the fire rate and gun damage of blue or greater rarity guns.

Skill Calculator: Ice Queen build

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