Looking for the best Moze the Gunner builds in Borderlands 3?
Whether you need a leveling guide or chasing ultimate Mayhem 10 power, these builds will help you unleash Iron Bear’s firepower and explosive damage potential. 


Moze the Gunner

Leveling Up

Level 1 to 32

No DLC* • Incendiary


Moze is the closest thing to Gaige from Borderlands 2. Her Iron Bear mech is a force to be reckoned with, and if you want to boost its damage and survivability substantially, while also doing a lot of incendiary damage, this is the perfect way to level up Moze for early game.

She has a very offensive playstyle, and you’ll want to keep using the Iron Bear to wreak havoc across the battlefield. 


This is a great build for solo play because you’re technically not alone. Moze’s Iron Bear is essentially the other half of her playstyle, and this build focuses on the damage dealt by it. While you’re on your own, you’ll deal with tons of incendiary damage, as well as replenish health, and ammo thanks to our skill investment. Doing critical shots with either your grenades or regular weapons increases Moze’s overall survivability and damage output. 


Moze is always an essential part of any good team in Borderlands 3. Thanks to Auto Bear, Iron Bear remains active for 15 seconds and does a lot of damage on its own. This makes her mech an extra member of the team, and Moze doesn’t need direct support from her teammates to remain alive. She’s a tank, and one of the easiest characters to play with in early game. 


Level 0-2: Unlock Railgun

Level 2-3: 1 Point in Security Bear
Iron Bear is protected by a shield and has damage reduction.

Level 3-6: 3 Points in Deadlines
Iron Bear weapons drain less fuel by 30%, and 6% of fuel is returned.

Level 6-11: 5 Points in Grizzled
Killing an enemy reduces active skill cooldown by up to 5%.

Level 11-16: 5 Points in Clouds of Lead
Every 4th shot does not consume ammo and does incendiary damage.

Level 16-17: 1 Point in Redistribution
Critical hits regenerate health and ammo for up to 3 seconds.

Level 17-20: 3 Points in Stoke the Embers
Increase Moze and Iron Bear’s incendiary damage by 30%.

Level 20-23: 3 Points in Torgue Cross-Promotion
Splash damage dealt by Moze has an 18% chance to double in size.

Level 23-24: 1 Point in Fire in the Skag Den
Whenever Moze or Iron Bear deal splash damage, they deal bonus incendiary damage as well.

Level 24-25: 1 Point in Auto Bear
After Moze exits Iron Bear, it will remain active for 15 seconds, and deal damage to enemies, finally self-destructing.

Level 25-28: 3 Points in Pull the Holy Pin
Grenades have a 30% chance of doing critical damage, greatly increasing the overall damage.

Level 28-29: 1 Point in Vampyr
Throwing a grenade restores 4% of Moze’s health. Iron Bear recovers 2% of missing armor per hit. 

Level 29-31: 2 More points in Fire in the Skag Den
Whenever Moze or Iron Bear deal splash damage, they deal bonus incendiary damage as well.

Level 31-32: 1 Point in Scrappy
While moving, Moze’s weapon damage, handling, weapon swap, and mode switch speed are increased.

Action Skill 1: Minigun 
Augment 1: Let Off Some Steam 

Action Skill 2: Vanquisher Rocket Pod 
Augment 2: Active Tracking 

Moze the Gunner


Level 50

No DLC* • Infinite ammo


If you’re looking for an overpowered build that makes every boss fight and combat encounter trivial, then this level 50 build is for you. This build focuses on weapons with larger magazine sizes because Moze builds up damage stacks.

Your game plan is simple. Against normal enemies, you rarely have to call in the Iron Bear, because your rifle and shotgun will take care of most mobs. You can start off bosses with Iron Bear, and switch to her rocket launcher to quickly end the fight in seconds at times. Finally, this build is also built around using infinite ammo: by investing in skills that regenerates your ammo you won’t have to buy ammo anymore!

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This is a very strong solo build for Moze, and you won’t get more damage at level 50 other than this. Moze’s gun damage is increased tremendously, and clearing mobs is a joke. Even when going up against bosses, Moze’s unmatched damage puts them down in a matter of seconds. Her fire rate, reload speed, magazine size, and every other major gun damage stat has been substantially boosted.  


Moze is one of the best additions to a team regardless of the build. With this build though, she can carry the team in most cases thanks to her ridiculous gun damage. She doesn’t need any healing support either, and her gun damage is further boosted while her health is down thanks to Desperate Measures. Killing an enemy grants her, the team, and Iron Bear a gun damage stack, which means higher overall damage output. 


High ammo is a big part of this build because we want Moze to quickly empty her magazines, and deal tons of damage while doing so.

Forge allows her to regenerate regular and launcher ammo. Some for the Road is probably the most important skill of the build because it gives Moze unlimited ammo for over 5 seconds after her action skill ends. Redistribution is another great skill that regenerates Moze’s health when she scores critical hits. 

Action Skill 1: Minigun 
Augment 1: Let Off Some Steam 

Action Skill 2: Minigun 
Augment 2: Let Off Some Steam 

Moze the Gunner

Mother Moze

Level 50

DLC* • Iron Cub


Borderland 3’s DLCs add a new skill tree for each character, making Moze even more versatile than everyone else. She already has practically everything one could ask for in her toolkit, but this new tree allows her to use Iron Bear as her buddy, as the Gods of the Wasteland intended. If you like firepower and want to see Iron Bear in action alongside you, this is the build for you. 

Your playstyle isn’t that complicated. Start by shooting up a few enemies, and midway through the fight, bring out Iron Cub, formerly known as Iron Bear. Now all you have to do is stay alive, and Moze’s incredible gun damage does a great job with that. Just keep an eye on your buddy and provide it support when you can. 

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This is a great build for solo play, especially because it can get a little lonely in the wasteland. No, the NPCs in the comms are not substitutes for a buddy on the field. With tons of gun damage, enhanced movement speed, and fire damage for both Moze and Iron Cub, this is the perfect build to wreak havoc at level 50. Being on the move is encouraged and Rushin’ Offensive ensures you can shoot and sprint simultaneously.


Similarly, Moze is always one of the best characters to bring while you’re playing a co-op campaign. This additional tree essentially adds another unit to the team, and you can enjoy seeing a cute robot buddy set psychos on fire while Moze clears out all manner of threats. Moze’s abilities allow her to boost gun damage for the entire team, while also providing shield recharge bonuses. She doesn’t really need direct support from the team, but keeping her and Iron Cub alive should be a priority either way.


Redistribution grants Moze health and ammo regeneration when she lands critical hits, while Rushin’ Offensive allows her to lifesteal by 8% while she’s sprinting.

Double Time increases Moze and Iron Cub’s movement speed by over 4%, while Scrappy boosts multiple stats including Gun Damage, handling speed, and mode switch speed. Armored Infantry boosts Moze’s gun damage by over 15% while her shield is active, while also reducing damage received by 15%

Moze the Gunner


Level 72

No DLC*• Balanced


Moze is an extremely powerful character, and this build focuses on balancing her utilities. So, if you like to call in your mech to destroy everything in your path, and if you just want to shoot bad guys on your own and set them on fire, this is the perfect build for you.

Her game plan is pretty straightforward. While on foot, you want to throw her grenades as much as you can while using your weapons to deal tons of damage. When Iron Bear is ready, just bring him out, and start using your action skills to practically melt health bars. This build shines no matter what you’re doing and you’ll be deleting bosses from existence without breaking a sweat.

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This is a great build for solo play, particularly because of the high damage potential both in mech and on foot. The grenade synergy is through the roof, and if you maintain a healthy amount of distance while you’re not inside the mech, there’s really no major boss or enemy that stands a chance against you. Try to score critical hits, as those activate a ton of skills, and provide a healthy amount of damage bonuses to Moze and Iron Bear.


Moze is always one of the best characters to be in a team, particularly because of Iron Bear, who servers as an additional unit altogether thanks to our investment in the Auto Bear skill. Additionally, Full Can of Whoop-Ass recharges Moze and the entire team’s shields at a +25% rate immediately as she calls Iron Bear. Moze doesn’t really need any direct support from her teammates and she’s essentially the tank.


Slot 1: Flipper
Slot 2: Rebound
Slot 3: Convergence
Slot 4: Tigg’s Boom
Grenade: Cloning Maddening Tracker
Shield: Re-Volter
MOD: Mind Sweeper
Artifact: Re-Charger


Auto Bear is a great skill because it allows Moze to exit out of her Mech, and it remains on the battlefield for 15 seconds, while ultimately charging towards an enemy and self-destructing.

To the Last allows Moze to throw a grenade during Fight for Your Life, and refunds the thrown grenade when she comes back.

Redistribution and Vampyr restore her life, while Specialist Bear increases Iron Bear’s gun damage by over 60% if both weapons are identical.

Action Skill 1: Ties that Bind
Augment 1: Soul Sap

Action Skill 2: Ties that Bind
Augment 2: Soul Sap

Moze the Gunner


Level 72

DLC* • Grenades


Are you tired of reading about builds that aren’t focused around grenades? Do you want the Iron Bear to be your buddy and not a machine to get into? Do you like grenades? If you answered yes to all three, then this build celebrates the concept of grenades and the beautiful destruction they cause. Moze isn’t a stranger to throwing a grenade or six, and Iron Bear isn’t afraid to take out his V-35.

The playstyle, as you can expect, revolves around throwing grenades at every opportunity you can find. We have specifically selected the MIRV-Tacular Hex grenade mod because it causes each grenade to split into 6 parts on impact. We don’t want just one explosion, we want all the explosions. Calling Iron Bear now means that it will work independently, and throw tons of grenades as well. So don’t think too much, and when in doubt, throw another grenade, and see everything crumble before your eyes.

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This is a fantastic solo build because it essentially adds another character to assist Moze. Iron Bear now works independently after you summon it, and both of you are basically lobbing grenades at things and watching them turn to dust. You want to keep a distance of course, because your weapon of choice, the Guardian Angel does more damage the farther you are from your target, which is also an ideal position to be in while lobbing grenades.


Similarly, this is a great build for co-op play as well. Moze can hang back a little, and keep throwing grenades at enemies while the rest of the team finishes enemies off. She will also summon Iron Bear from time to time, which means there’s another member of the team who’s actively shooting grenades directly at enemies, clearing the path for you and your teammates.


Slot 1: Guardian Angel
Slot 2: Face-Puncher
Slot 3: Convergence
Slot 4: Tigg’s Boom
Grenade: MIRV-Tacular Hex
Shield: Old God
MOD: Blast Master
Artifact: Snowdrift


We have focused on a lot of skills that boost grenade damage, availability, and utility.

Why Can’t I Carry All These Grenades? gives you three extra grenades, Vampyr restores health when your grenades do damage, To the Last allows you to throw a grenade when you’re in Fight For Your Life, and Pull the Holy Pin allows grenades to score critical damage bonuses.

Double Time boosts Moze’s and Iron Bear’s overall movement speed, while Redistribution heals Moze for each critical hit.

Action Skill 1: Iron Cub
Augment 1: Baby Nukes 

Action Skill 2: V-35 Grenade Launcher
Augment 2: Lock and Speedload 

Moze the Gunner

Moze Heart

Level 72

DLC* • Versatile


Moze has a lot of utility available to her. She has excellent gun damage, a tree almost entirely dedicated to grenade damage, and a literal mech to assist her in battle. If you like everything about her, then this is the build for you. This build combines the best of all worlds and allows players to adapt to any playstyle.

Whether you like want to go head first with your gun, summon Iron Bear, or lob a grenade, it’s all up to you. The build makes use of skills from every single tree, which makes it super versatile. It’s recommended to experiment around and find a sweet spot for yourself, but overall, doing everything is an option, and the best one in my opinion.

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This is one of the most fun builds for solo play because you can literally make use of all of Moze’s abilities. Whether you want to hang back a bit, and burn everything in sight, or take the fight to the enemies, slide around, and deal tons of weapon and grenade damage, it’s all up to your preference. While in the Iron Bear, Moze can take out hordes of enemies without breaking a sweat.


Similarly, this is a great build to use in co-op. Moze doesn’t need any particular support from her teammates, and Auto Bear means she can keep Iron Bear active for over 15 seconds if she leaves the mech before the timer runs out. Drowning in Brass gives the entire team stacks of weapon damage, and thanks to Redistribution, Moze gets constant heals for scoring critical hits. She’s always an asset to the team, and given her damage potential, she’s essentially the tank.


Slot 1: Free Radical
Slot 2: Plasma Coil
Slot 3: Flipper
Slot 4: Beacon
Grenade: Cloning Maddening Tracker
Shield: Old God
MOD: Flare
Artifact: Victory Rush


Auto Bear is one of Moze’s best skills because it allows Iron Bear to remain active independently for over 15 seconds, after which it chases an enemy and self-destructs into them.

Double Time boosts Moze and Iron Bear’s movement speed by over 12% while her action skill is active, while Short Fuse adds a 20% chance for a shot to do explosive damage.

Security Bear gives Iron Bear a shield that reduces incoming damage towards Iron Bear.

Action Skill 1: Railgun
Augment 1: Capacitive Armature

Action Skill 2: Railgun
Augment 2: Capacitive Armature