Looking for the best Salvador the Gunzerker builds in Borderlands 2?
Whether you need a leveling up guide or chasing ultimate OP10 end-game power, these builds will help you unleash Salvador’s dual-wielding chaos.

Leveling Up
Level 1 to 36
Gunzerking • Survivability
It can be difficult to play the Gunzerker class in the early game, as he unlocks his full potential at a higher level. With this leveling-up build, Salvador will rely on his Gunzerking action skill to get you through the game; with increased Gunzerking time and reduced cooldown, you’ll easily be able to take down group of enemies. The other advantage of this build is survivability, thanks to the skill Down Not Out, Salvador can also draw out a second gun while in FFYL, believe me this will make your life much easier!
Gunzerking is a powerful action skill, and the strategy in solo mode is to use it as soon as possible. When Gunzerking, you regain health, ammo, and damage reduction, which is perfect for jumping into battles and clearing out groups of enemies.
In coop mode, Salvador will play the tank role while Gunzerking. However, during cooldown, Salvador will be vulnerable and will need his teammates’ support.
Level 0-5: Level up to level 5.
Level 5: Unlock Gunzerking
Level 5-10: Points on Locked and Loaded
+25% Fire Rate for a short time after reloading your gun.
Level 10-15: Points on Quick Draw
+35% Weapon Swap Speed and +10% Critical Hit Damage.
Level 15-20: Points on Money Shot
Depending on the magazine size, +40% to +400% damage to the last bullet.
Level 20-21: 1 point on Down Not Out
Allow you to Gunzeking during Fight for Your Life.
Level 21-26: Points on Inconceivable
Depending on how low your health and shields are, up to 50% chance of not consuming ammo.
Level 26-31: Points on Last Longer
+15 seconds to Gunzerking Action Skill.
Level 31-32: Point on Ready Already
Shortens your Gunzerking Action Skill’s cooldown by 25%.

Pistol Monger
Level 50
Pistols • Good damage
The Pistol Monger build centers around pistol guns. By selecting specific skills and gear, you’ll be impressed by Salvador’s damage with pistols. This build also improves our character’s general stats, such as higher damage, faster fire rate, Gunzerking lasts longer and has a shorter cooldown period.
With The Pistol Monger build, when entering a fight, quickly activate Gunzerking to have a faster fire rate and take enemies down. Holding a pistol gun in each hand will make it very easy to clear large groups of enemies. However, I recommend focusing on one target at a time to benefit from the kill skills.
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The Pistol Monger build is great for Solo; you’ll be able to complete most of the game’s content. For increased survivability, Salvador will be able to Gunzerk while in FFYL, which will make it much easier to come back to life.
The Gunzerker class is about diving into the action and dealing maximum damage. But there’s a downside: Salvador lacks good Health and Shield Regeneration skills. While you wait for Gunzerking to cool down, Salvador will be vulnerable and need his team’s support.
Slot 1: Unkempt Harold
Slot 2: Rubi – Slag
Slot 3: Lady Fist
Slot 4: Badaboom
Shield: The Sham
Grenade: Lobbed Singularity
MOD: Renegade Class Mod – Suave
Relic: Sheriff’s Badge
Here are the skills you’ll need for this build to work. First, I’m You Huckleberry increases pistole damage.
Then, you’ll need these action skills: Auto-Loader, Yippie Ki Yay and Get Some. These kill skills will reload your weapons, increase Gunzerking duration, and reduce its cooldown.
To finish, to improve Salvador’s damage and fire rate, get Lock and Loaded, Divergent Likeness and Keep Firing.

Deputy Sal
Level 72 OP8
Shotguns • OP damage
The Deputy Sal is a famous Salvador build, and that’s because it’s insanely strong. The secret of this build? Money Shot and Shotguns. When Gunzerking, Money Shot only looks at your right-hand gun’s magazine size to calculate the damage bonus, which will apply to both guns. With the right gear and skill, Salvador can get the full Money Shot every two shots.
To play this build, it’s important to make sure when Gunzerking to have a gun with a magazine size over 12 (Grog Nozzle or Lady Fist) in the right hand and a gun with a small magazine size (shotguns) in the left hand. In this way, the full damage bonus from Money Shot also applies to your left hand, and because shotguns have very small magazine sizes, you often get the Money Shot boost.
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In solo mode, this incredible build allows you to easily walkthrough the game’s content. Use Gunzerking when you need to clear large groups of ennemies or need to regain health.
With Deputy Sal build in coop mode, Salvador will definitely have the role of the damage dealer. However, Salvador lacks of health and shield regeneration skills, making him vulnerable when Gunzerking is cooling down.
Slot 1: Grog Nozzle
Slot 2: Lady Fist
Slot 3: Orphan Maker
Slot 4: Twister
Grenade: Storm Front
Shield: Neogenator
MOD: Monk
Relic: Deputy’s Badge
For this build to work, you’ll need Money Shot. Combined with No Kill Like Overkill, all the excess damage from Money Shot will be transferred at the next ennemy you fire at.
To improve survivability, Down Not Out allows you to Gunzerking while FFYL.

Melee Brick
Level 72 OP8
Melee • Fast • Fun
You may be surprised to see a melee build, but I’m telling you this is a powerful and fun build to play with. We’ll be playing with specific gears and investing in skills with only one goal: boost Salvador’s melee damage. Thanks to Jefe’s calculations, the base melee damage against an OP8 enemy is 158K, with this build and on a slagged enemy Salvador will be dealing around 133,469K, yes that’s impressive, that’s + 84474%! For this build to work, you’ll need to have equipped 2 Rapiers as they boost melee damage.
When playing this build, you’ll want to maximize Salvador’s melee damage before engaging in close combat. First, activate Gunzerking and have a Rapier in both hands. Second, Salvador’s shield must be empty to benefit from the Love Thumper’s damage boost. I suggest using a Chain Lightning grenade to strip your shield. Then unleash your melee attacks on enemies, and on stronger enemies, use Fistful of Hurt to take them down.
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This Melee build is really fun in solo, it’s a different playstyle compared to other builds which can be a nice change for Salvador lovers. Another advantage of this build is speed, when Gunzerking Salvador’s speed is increased, allowing him to quickly reach enemies across the map.
In coop mode, Salvador will be jumping in the heart of the action, which will put him at high risk. For this build to work in coop, Salvador will need to be able to rely on his teammates to support him.
Slot 1: Rapier
Slot 2: Rapier – Slag
Slot 3: Grog Nozzle
Slot 4: Norfleet
Shield: Love Thumper
Grenade: Chain Lightning
MOD: Legendary Berserker
Relic: Might of the Seraphs
To increase melee damage, invest in Keep it Piping Hot, All In The Reflexes and Fistful of Hurt.
By investing in Down Not Out, Hard To Kill and Ain’t Got Time To Bleed, it improves Salvador’s survivability, allowing him to Gunzerking in FFYL, health regeneration and increased maximum health.

Level 80 OP10
Pimpernel • Glitch • OP
The Duuurpernel build, what a strange name?! It relies on the Pimpernel glitch, combined with the damage of the Derp Duuurp rocket launcher. This build allows Salvador to take down invincible bosses in seconds.
To understand how it works, the Pimpernel bullets when in contact with an enemy or surface, spawns 5 child projectiles. These child projectiles take the damage of your main gun. This means, when Gunzerking, if Salvador has the Pimpernel in his left hand and the Derp Duuurp in his right hand, the child projectiles from Pimpernel will deal the same damage as the Derp Duuurp. On top of that, we add the Money Shot damage boost, but for it to work you need to have empty Rocket ammunition.
To play this build, it’s quite easy. Activate Gunzerking and make sure to have the Pimpernel in Salvador’s left hand and Derp Duuurp in his right hand (with empty ammunition). Then, shoot with the Pimpernel to see it’s insane damage.
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In solo mode, this build allows Salvador to complete the game with ease, even the Invincible bosses. If Salvador’s health is getting low, switch the Derp Duuurp with the Grog Nozzle and fire with the Pimpernel to get all his health back.
In coop mode, this is a great build for boss farming. That’s because they’ll last only a few seconds which makes it perfect for farming specific gears.
Slot 1: Pimpernel
Slot 2: Derp Duuurp – Torgue Barrel, Torgue Grip and Bandit Exhaust
Slot 3: Grog Nozzle
Shield: Evolution
Grenade: Transfusion grenade
MOD: Monk – True Neutral
Relic: Elemental Relic – Explosive
For this build to work, you need Money Shot and Filled to the Brim. These two synergize very well together, because to benefit from Money Shots’ full damage boost, you need minimum 12 magazine size, which Filled to the Brim will help you get.
For more damage, get No Kill Like Overkill, allowing you to transfer the excess damage from one enemy to another.

Level 80 OP10
Damage • Health • Fun
The Harold build is a classic build for Salvador and that’s because it works very well. With this build Salvador will be dealing huge damage and will have no issue regarding survivability. As the build name suggests, this build centers on the Unkempt Harold and the Grog Nozzle.
This build is a no brainer. When activating Gunzerking, make sure to have the Unkempt Harold in Salvador’s right hand and the Grog Nozzle in Salvador’s left hand. Then, hold the trigger with both pistols, the Unkempt Harold will deal huge damage and the Grog Nozzle will slag enemies and restore health.
This is the most played build for Salvador, and that’s because how good it is. It has the perfect balance between damage and survivability, which will make you enjoy your solo run. I recommend using the Quasar grenade to pull enemies in its center to make it easier to aim as they will be packed together.
This is a great build for coop mode, Salvador will be dealing huge damage and will not need much support, thanks to the Grog Nozzle. On top of that, Salvador, will be slagging all the enemies, making it easier for the team to take them down. One downside to this build, it can be visually complicated to see what’s happening with all the bullets from the Unkempt Harold and the Grog Nozzle firing at the same time.
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Slot 1: Unkempt Harold
Slot 2: Grog Nozzle
Shield: Rough Rider
Grenade: Quasar
MOD: Monk – Chaotic Evil
Relic: Sheriff’s Badge
These are the important skills to increase fire rate, pistol damage and Salvador’s overall damage: Lock and Locked, I’m Your Huckleberry, Divergent Lickeness, Lay Waste and of course Money Shot.
Then, it’s important to increase Gunzerking’s duration with Last Longer and Yppie Ki Yay, and to reduce it’s cooldown with Get Some.